Support Request

When raising a support request, ensure you select the relevant type of request for your submission . Try to describe the details of your request clearly, as well as attaching any supporting documents, which can help in resolving your raised request. You can also check the status of your support request using the email and Ticket ID generated on submission and sent to your email.

Note: Any request ticket with submission details not relevant to the type of request may result in no response or a delayed response. Any request made for an account that is self-serviced, cancelled, related to Occuz Beta or is currently suspended due to non-payment, may take up to 7 – 14 working days to be actioned or resolved. Please note that a request for reactivation of suspended accounts, due to non-payment, which have not been automatically reactivated, may take up to 7 – 14 working days to reactivate after dues are cleared.

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